About eduResearch
eduResearch, the „Zentrum für Bildungsforschung OÖ“ (Upper Austrian Centre for Education Research), was founded in 2014. It is unique in Austria and focuses on supporting Upper Austrian schools in creating a strong feedback culture and in fostering site-specific school development.
Currently, the main tasks of eduResearch are as follows:
- Surveys on evaluation and quality management (EQ) in schools (also considering social factors)
- Compilation of the Upper Austrian education report for the federal state of Upper Austria
- Commissioning of research studies such as the Kinder-Medien-Studie and the Jugend-Medien-Studie (studies on the media use of children (aged 3-10) and adolescents (aged 11-18))
- Coordination of all activities with national and international partners (Government of Upper Austria, school authorities, academic experts,…)
As the work of eduResearch is well received by Upper Austrian schools, it will expand its activities in the near future to be able to address new target audiences and to cover new topics.
Further information on eduResearch (in German) as well as news items, presentations,… can be found on www.bildungsforschung-ooe.at.